To all the wonderful ladies all over the world – Happy Women's Day!

Read Below to work on a stronger ,more independent woman you are:

   Have a strong handshake. Do not attempt to break the other person's hand, but do have a firm, solid grip. Three handshakes should be enough. If you shake more than that, the other person may see you as wanting something more or as being too cling

·         Do not let anyone take advantage of you. This does not only apply to men, believe it or not. Anyone and everyone is capable of being manipulative and/or a user. Your boss, co-workers, peers, and the regular people you deal with everyday may try to take advantage of you at some point. Do not become completely untrusting, though -- be smart about who you trust and who you do things for, and don't be afraid to say no, but don't suspect everyone of being out to get you!

·         Realize that women have come a long way. Many people try to claim that a woman's job is in the home, taking care of the house, children, and their husband's needs far beyond their own. And while it is true that they should have a part in all of this (as should a husband), a lot of women must work outside of the home to help provide for their families. Less than a hundred years ago women had barely any rights, and now we are almost on the same level as men, if not equal. This is a huge advancement that you should be proud of. Women also have needs, too. When they have had a hard day at work or are feeling down, they should be able to guiltlessly enjoy themselves and have "me" time every once in a while.

·         Consider claiming to be feminist, as it takes strength to claim to be a feminist, a lot of females who hold feminist beliefs say they are supportive to those sort of ideas. As feminism is a very controversial a lot of people shy away from labeling themselves are a feminist possibly because people might bring up strong opinions against feminism. But more importantly not just feminism, stand up for what you belief in and that takes courage.

·         Be tolerant of the intolerant opinions of others, it takes strength not to give a crap. On the other hand not if intolerant people take their intolerance too far and start beating other people up. I am not sure if we should be tolerant of that.

·         It takes strength not to concern yourself too much about what other people think. On the other hand if a woman shaves their head tons of people stare. Its good not to care what other people think but keep social convention in mind a little bit, when I say not to care what other people think I mean to say about insults and jealousy. Try not to worry to much about the rude things people might think about you. Besides if they don't tell you and only act covertly like they dislike you, and they never tell you what they think, aren't you assuming what they think if they never told you? Can we read their minds? Stop obsessing so much about what other people think!

·         Don't worry about men too much. Yes, you may want a man in your life. But, do you need one? You've survived this long without one, so obviously it won't kill you to be single. However, if you do not choose to be single, don't take men and their antics too seriously. If he truly loves you and cares for you like he should, then you will never have to worry about every fight being the last one.

·         If you're thirty and you're single try not to place your importance on having a man complete you. Some told me once, 'the magazines make it seem like anyone who is single and unmarried at thirty is wrong or something'. Think about how you would feel if you were single all your life till the day you grew old and died. Sex is not the most important thing in the world, friendship might be and family and taking care of loved ones. But is sex the most important thing in the world? Would we die without the affections of other people?

·         Raise your self esteem. The majority of people with low self esteems are women. You need to realize how smart, beautiful, and wonderfully made you are. Think of all of the things you are capable of: making and giving life, nourishing a child, being someone's rock and shelter. Someone in this world needs you and loves you just the way you are. Why not add another person to that list: you.

·         Write a list of all the reasons women are awesome.

·         Write down all your skills and positive traits

·         If you have excessive self-love try accepting your faults and other people's faults, as long as they are not physically abusive. Its alright to excessively love yourself, but does not everyone have one flaw? Flaws make fictional characters more interesting anyway.

·         Do not let people threaten you. Learn self-defense, take a karate class, something to teach you how to keep yourself from harm. If someone is verbally threatening you, then go the correct authorities. At school, that could be your teacher, principal, guidance counselor, or School Resource Officer. At work, that would be your supervisor; if your supervisor is the one doing it, then go to Human Resources or go to your supervisor's superior. In extreme cases, the appropriate authority figure may be the police. Do not be afraid to ask for help -- just because you're independent does not mean that you are stupid, and not asking for help is just that.

·         Be real. Do not put on your happy face when you are not happy. Laugh out loud when you think something is funny. Be assertive. Let the world know you are there, because you are a worthy person that deserves to be seen and heard.

·         Start by being more punctual, it will definitely help. If you really want to become a strong woman it's all about being taken seriously. People will be more aware of a sense of reliability.

·         Become organized. There is no such thing as an organized mess. This means filing everything important away, keeping a diary at hand with dates and appointments.Your life will be a lot less stressful and you'll find that people will be entrusting you with important roles/jobs.

·         Dress maturely; don't dress like a prostitute or anything ghastly like that. Pick out tasteful pieces of clothing, like jeans, T-shirts, mid-long skirts etc. You don't have to be boring, it's just that dressing up in 6'" stripper heels and a skimpy boob-tube doesn't look very womanly and tasteful.

·         Get dedicated to the things that you love fighting for whether it's Cancer Research or Animal Activism make sure you believe in it with all your heart. Believing in something so strongly is very important. Do council work, community service etc. Anything to help something improve, it'll make you feel like you're on top of world.

·         Don't be a sheep; following people around and endlessly copying them is very tiring and bothersome. 'Popularity' is now a game of back-stabbing and falseness. Be friends who actually fit the friend criteria, not people who obviously don't care about you and make you decide on stupid decisions.

·         Be true to yourself that will make you a strong woman!

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